


1. Broken Piston Impact Area


Warranty is applied if damages occurred in nomrmal operatings, that is, no damages of internal-abrasive parts and no levering works etc, is deemed to happened bu using of inappropriate materials or improper heat treatments. However, warranty excluded any breakages caused by stress concentred certain areas by unstable works (e.x. abrasion of the adjacent parts, abnormal work etc) between the piston and the piston impact area.
Recommend: Replace damaged (worn) pin and bushings periodically, and do proper operations.

2. Depressed Piston Impact Area


Depressed Piston Impact area is caused by excessively continuous hittings. No warranty
Recommend: Avoid a long-time continuous striking

3. Damaged contact parts with chisel pins


It is resulted form unstable striking between the piston and stroken part of the chisel and excessive void strkings. No Waeeanty.
Recommend: Replace damaged (worn) pin and bushings periodically and do not void strikings

4. Mas hrooming of the chisel tip


Long and continue us striking (over one minute) to uncrushing area generates excessive hests. makes the chisel softening and mashed of shape of mushroom at the edge of chisel. No Warranty
Recommend: Prohibit strikong uncrushing part for more than one minute.

5. Broken at inner-assembly section of the breaker


Warranty will appllied if broken happened inside of the ring bush, that is. the section assembled inside of the breakers. However, broken cause by widen spece between the chiisels and the ring busingg will be excluded from the waeeanty. Recommend: Select appropriate materials, do proper heat treatment and procseeing. and replace the bushings periodically.

6. Broken at outer-assebly section of the breaker

It causes from excessive bending load ceused by levering operation. This No Warranty. The shapes of the fatingue fracture shows series of circle marks (Generally, cakked as “Beach Mark" or “Clam Shell Mark" ) that beging from the outside start point to the inside by stress Concentrations as shown in the picture below. Broken from defective materials happened at inside of the chisels and will bs warrantied.
Recommend: Select appropriate materials, proper heat treatment, and no levering.


7. broken of end part the chisel


It is caused by levering operation. No Warranty.
Recommend: No levering and do vertical operation